
Welcome to the Federation of Dance Clubs of New Brunswick website to bring together all New Brunswick’s square, round, clog & line dancers in a cooperative fraternity, and to coordinate the dance activities of it’s members.

Learn to Dance – information about beginner classes can be found here 

If any club Information is out of date, a dance is not listed, or if you have flyers for the page, please e-mail us.

The next Canadian Square and Round Dance Society
24th Canadian National Square, Round & Clog Dance Festival – Penticton BC July 15-18th, 2026

Meanwhile think about attending BC Festival 2025 in beautiful Langley British Columbia
July 30 to August 2, 2025

Wondering about Square Dance Attire?

Although each dance club in New Brunswick decides on the acceptable dress for their club and for their special dances, attire may vary according to the dance event theme.  To avoid confusion, clubs are encouraged to indicate expected dance attire on dance flyers.  The Federation of Dance  Clubs of NB supports a modified version of the three levels of dress that have been adopted by the International Council of Square Dance Organizations.

    • Traditional:  Skirts with crinolines or prairie skirts for women. Long pants and long sleeve shirts for men. This dress is acceptable at any square/round dance event.
    • Proper: Dress slacks for women. Short or long sleeve shirts for men. Unless otherwise stipulated, this dress is acceptable at any square/round dance event.  Proper attire is often referred to as “Appropriate Attire”. Traditional dress may be worn at these events.
    • Casual: Tasteful and comfortable clothing. Traditional dress may be worn at these events


Dance events in New Brunswick may be filmed, recorded, and photographed by various individuals and/or the media. These photos and recordings may be used for educational, archival or promotional purposes and may be included in future dance publications, videos and websites. Unless otherwise stated, you agree to be filmed, recorded, or photographed for the above said purposes. Please advise event organizers and/or photographers if you do not wish to have your image used.